paid only community model


Why I Pivoted to a Paid-Only Community Model (And How to Choose the Right Structure for Yours)

October 17, 2024

I’m Rachel, your host, and today I’m thrilled to share something exciting and a bit unexpected. You may have noticed some recent changes to the podcast, and this special blog post is all about why they happened. So, grab your favorite drink, settle in, and let’s dive into why The Community Lab is getting a major makeover.

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I'm Rachel!

Marketing Virtuoso, Ski Slope Enthusiast, and Community Innovator. With two decades of shaping vibrant digital experiences, I blend creativity with strategy and a dash of outdoor adventure, all fueled by my love for coffee and a zest for life!

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In today’s episode of Your Community Strategist, I’m sharing a major shift that’s taken place in The Strategic Community Co-Op: moving from a free and paid hybrid model to a paid-only community. This was a big decision, one that didn’t come lightly, but it’s one I’m excited about and can’t wait to share with you.

So, let’s talk about why I made the change, what this means for the community, and how you can find the right membership model to build an engaged, thriving space for your own community.

The Evolution: From The Community Lab to The Strategic Community Co-Op

When I launched this community, it was called The Community Lab, and the name reflected a vision of experimentation, exploration, and growth. I wanted a place where we could test ideas, learn from each other, and share our journeys as community builders. But over time, the vision evolved. We weren’t just experimenting anymore; we were building intentional strategies, creating valuable connections, and fostering real growth.

This change brought about a rebranding to The Strategic Community Co-Op, a name that aligns with the purpose and direction we’ve taken. But it wasn’t just the name that needed to shift—the membership model also needed a revamp to support this next phase.

Why I Decided to Move to a Paid-Only Model

Originally, I offered both free and paid tiers. The idea was that the free tier would serve as a lead magnet, a way for people to sample the community and get a feel for what we offer. It worked well initially. People joined, checked things out, and some transitioned to the paid tier. However, I started to notice a trend. Free members, while initially enthusiastic, weren’t as engaged as I’d hoped.

Here’s the reality: when people don’t have “skin in the game,” it’s harder for them to stay committed. Without a financial investment, there was less accountability, and many free members dipped in and out, never fully immersing themselves in the community. They weren’t connecting with others or taking full advantage of the resources available. This lack of engagement signaled to me that it was time to make a change.

The decision to go paid-only wasn’t just about charging for access. It was about creating a vibrant, dedicated space where everyone is motivated to show up and participate. A paid model adds value, accountability, and a sense of community that I believe free access just can’t match.

Why Finding the Right Model is Essential for Community Success

This change also highlighted the importance of finding the right model for your community. Not every community needs to be paid-only, just like not every community will thrive on a free model alone. The key is to align the structure with your goals and the type of engagement you want from your members.

Here are a few questions to consider when choosing the right model for your community:

  • What type of engagement are you looking for? Are you building a space where members can dip in casually, or are you fostering a committed community where people engage regularly?
  • What is the purpose of your community? If you’re providing high-value content, resources, and workshops, a paid model can help ensure that members are invested in taking advantage of those offerings.
  • What’s sustainable for you? Managing both free and paid resources can be demanding. A single, focused model might allow you to dedicate your energy and resources to delivering an exceptional experience.

For some, a free model is perfect, as it can attract a larger audience quickly. For others, a paid model is ideal, encouraging stronger connections and commitment. And if you’re not sure which is best, a hybrid model with an upgrade option can let members sample your community before investing further.

Ways to Monetize Your Community Beyond Paid Membership

A paid membership isn’t the only way to monetize a community. There are multiple approaches that might work better for your needs and goals. Here are a few ideas to consider:

1. Value-Added Component for Courses

  • If you’re a course creator, a community space can be an added benefit that enriches the course experience. It allows students to connect, get support, and continue learning together, adding immense value without necessarily charging separately for the community itself.

2. Bundle Community Access with Existing Products

  • Offering a community component as part of a subscription or membership to an online platform or service can create a more interactive experience. Members benefit from the content you’re offering while building connections and discussing the material in real-time.

3. Free Tier with a Paid Upgrade

  • Another option is to offer a basic community for free but provide a premium, paid upgrade for members who want more exclusive content, workshops, or resources. This way, everyone gets a taste of the community, and those ready to invest more can do so when they’re ready.

These options allow you to customize the experience and meet members where they are while also monetizing your offerings.

What This Pivot Means for The Strategic Community Co-Op

So, what does shifting to a paid-only model mean for The Co-Op? Simply put, it allows me to go all-in. Rather than splitting my time and energy between free and paid resources, I’m now fully focused on delivering exceptional experiences for paid members. Here are a few of the exciting things coming up:

  • Notion Content Planner: This tool helps community builders stay organized by planning posts, workshops, and events all in one place. I even worked with a Notion specialist, Kat, to ensure this planner is fully tailored to meet our needs.
  • Notion Event Planner: For those running workshops and virtual events, this planner guides you through every detail, from pre-event promotion to post-event follow-up. With Kat’s expertise, we created a resource that makes event planning seamless and impactful.
  • Members-Only Virtual Retreat: To kick off 2025, we’ll be hosting an exclusive three-day retreat packed with workshops, planning sessions, and strategies to help you set up for a successful year. We’ll cover goal-setting, engagement tactics, and a roadmap to reach your 2025 goals.

In addition, we’ll be offering events and challenges as standalone products, each with a community component so participants can connect, share insights, and learn together. And for our dedicated members, we’ll continue bringing fresh resources, workshops, and content each month, enabling them to dive even deeper into their community-building journey.

Why This Pivot Will Benefit You

For those joining The Co-Op, this pivot means a higher level of value, focus, and connection. The paid-only model allows me to invest fully in resources, workshops, and events that support your growth and bring us together as a community. I’m excited to channel all my energy into making this community a space where members can thrive.

And don’t worry, the free resources aren’t going anywhere! I’ve moved them to the website, where you can still access them anytime. I’ll continue adding free resources as a way to support everyone, regardless of whether they join the paid community. But for those who are ready for more, The Co-Op is where the magic happens.

Final Thoughts on Choosing the Right Community Model

At the end of the day, there’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach to community building. The best model is the one that aligns with your goals, resonates with your members, and creates the kind of experience you want to offer. Take the time to explore what works best for you, and don’t be afraid to make adjustments as you grow.

Whether you choose a free, paid, or hybrid model, focus on creating a space where people can connect, engage, and find value. And if you’re looking for a community that’s all about strategic growth and meaningful connections, The Co-Op might be the perfect fit for you.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and for being part of a community that’s truly driven by passion, purpose, and commitment. Let’s continue building something amazing together!

If you’re ready to explore this shift and find the right community model for your needs, listen to the latest episode of Your Community Strategist for an in-depth discussion. See you in the community!


  • 00:36 The Evolution of the Podcast
  • 01:10 Listener Feedback and Reflections
  • 01:56 Rebranding to Your Community Strategist
  • 03:17 What to Expect Moving Forward
  • 04:14 Engage and Connect with Us
  • 04:44 Final Thoughts and Farewell

Resources & Links:

Join The Strategic Community Co-Op: For more tips, strategies, and a space filled with like-minded creators

Get started with Circle: Your go-to platform for building community

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I'm Rach, your go-to gal for all things community building!

Hi there! I’m Rachel Starr, at the helm of Rachel Rose Coaching and Your Community Strategist Podcast, where we transform your passions into profits with a strategic yet playful approach to community building and virtual event planning, leveraging platforms like Circle. Think Leslie Knope's energy meets a tech-savvy guru's precision—that's me. 

With over two decades of experience, I've become a marketing maestro, creating innovative strategies and captivating online experiences that blend creativity with meticulous focus. As a recovering corporate and wedding event planner, I've mastered the virtual event planning space. My superpower is developing, hosting, and managing virtual events. My journey, from sales prodigy to event management leader, showcases versatility, dedication, and an ever-evolving skill set. My secret weapons? A relentless appetite for learning, patience, an eagle eye for detail, and a knack for crafting strategic masterpieces.

Beyond the boardroom, I'm a ski enthusiast, mom to two incredible teenagers, and a lover of the great outdoors. I have a soft spot for crafting the perfect spicy margarita and rely on coffee to spark my creativity.

Life for me is about embracing the thrills of the slopes and the marketplace with equal zest. Armed with caffeine, a touch of spice, and a heart full of passion, I'm on a quest to make every moment count. Here's to living life fully caffeinated and chasing the next big thing in community development and beyond. Cheers to the journey and the many trails yet to be explored!

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©Rachel Rose Business Coaching 2024

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