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Transform Your
Workshop Strategy
in Just Two Weeks! 


The Secret Sauce to Skyrocketing Event Attendance

August 29, 2024

Did you know that platinum creators are twice as likely to have an attendance rate higher than 50 percent at their events? Yes, you heard that right—double the attendance rate.

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I'm Rachel!

Marketing Virtuoso, Ski Slope Enthusiast, and Community Innovator. With two decades of shaping vibrant digital experiences, I blend creativity with strategy and a dash of outdoor adventure, all fueled by my love for coffee and a zest for life!

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Did you know that platinum creators are twice as likely to have an attendance rate higher than 50 percent at their events? Yes, you heard that right—double the attendance rate. So, how do they pull it off? The answer lies in three critical strategies: hosting events their members actually want to attend, attracting the right attendees, and sending reminder messages at just the right times.

Today we’re diving deep into these strategies, sharing real-world examples, and introducing game-changing tools that will make your life so much easier. Whether you’re a seasoned event planner or just getting started, these insights will help you boost your event attendance and keep your participants engaged from start to finish.

Engaging Your Attendees: The Power of Well-Timed Communication

So, what’s on the agenda today? We’re talking all things engagement and how to get your attendees excited before the event even starts. I’ll also be sharing a fantastic free resource that you can start using right away to make sure you’re hitting all the right notes in your event communications.

Let me take you back to one of my early events. Everything was planned to perfection—content, guest speakers, RSVPs—but half the people who signed up didn’t show up. I was devastated. It wasn’t until later that I realized the problem: I hadn’t communicated with them effectively. I didn’t keep them engaged or remind them why they should be excited to attend. That experience taught me a valuable lesson about the power of well-timed communication, and that’s what we’re going to explore today.

The Three Key Factors to Boosting Event Attendance

Let’s revisit that powerful stat from the Circle Community Benchmark Report: platinum creators are twice as likely to have an attendance rate higher than 50%. And that’s not just by luck. It’s a result of a well-thought-out strategy that hinges on three key factors.

Hosting Events People Actually Want to Attend

To create events that resonate with your community, you must deeply understand your audience’s needs, desires, and pain points. This understanding allows you to craft experiences that are not just relevant but valuable. Tools like surveys, polls, and feedback forms are invaluable in gathering insights directly from your audience, ensuring your events are aligned with what your community truly wants.

Attracting the Right Attendees

Not every event is for everyone. The success of an event often hinges on attracting the right audience—those who will find the content most relevant and are likely to engage deeply. To do this, you need to define who they are and tailor your marketing and communication strategies to speak directly to those segments.

Sending Reminders at the Right Times

Timing is everything when it comes to event reminders. A successful reminder strategy often involves a series of touchpoints: an initial reminder a week before, followed by one three days before, and a final reminder the day before or the day of the event. The goal is to strike a balance where the reminder is timely enough to prompt action without overwhelming your audience.

Creating Pre-Event Excitement

Building anticipation before your event is crucial for maximizing attendance and ensuring participants are excited and ready to engage. When people are looking forward to an event, they’re more likely to prioritize it, spread the word, and come prepared to participate. Strategies to build anticipation include releasing teaser content, offering sneak peeks, and providing early access offers.

And here’s where it gets even better—I’m offering you a FREE Event & Workshop Reminder Checklist. This essential checklist will guide you through the key steps to ensure a smooth and impactful experience from the moment your participants sign up until well after the event concludes. Download your free checklist here.

The Event & Workshop Success Bundle: Your All-in-One Toolkit

Now, if you’re ready to take your events and workshops to the next level, let me introduce you to The Event & Workshop Success Bundle. This all-in-one toolkit ensures your event isn’t just good—it’s unforgettable. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, this bundle equips you with everything you need to keep your participants engaged, promote your event effectively, and gather feedback to make the next one even better.

For just $47, you get swipe files for emails and DMs, a comprehensive guide on engaging your community before, during, and after the event, plus a post-event survey. It’s a small investment that will make a big difference in your event planning process. Learn more about The Event & Workshop Success Bundle here.

Post-Event Follow-Up: Keeping the Momentum Going

Your event may be over, but the engagement shouldn’t stop there. Post-event follow-up is crucial for maintaining the momentum you’ve built and ensuring the event’s impact lingers. One of the most important post-event communications is a thank you email, followed by a survey to gather feedback on what went well and what could be improved.

By nurturing these post-event interactions, you transform a single event into an ongoing dialogue that keeps your community engaged and looking forward to what’s next.

Wrapping Up

I know this episode was packed with information, but engagement is one of the biggest hurdles we face as community hosts and builders. Remember, we’ve got the Event Edit Free Challenge launching on September 1st—head over to the show notes to join us for two weeks of crafting more engaging and streamlined workshops. And don’t forget to grab your FREE Event & Workshop Reminder Checklist and check out the Event & Workshop Success Bundle to elevate your next event.

Links Mentioned:

The Event Edit Free Challenge: Two Weeks to Engaging Events

Are you ready to transform your event planning skills and create engaging events that captivate your Circle community? Join “The Event Edit Free Challenge” – a two-week journey designed to help you master the art of event planning without the hassle. This challenge will guide you through essential steps, practical tips, and hands-on activities to ensure your events are not only well-organized but also highly engaging and impactful. 

Enroll now:

And as a special bonus, I’m thrilled to offer you my brand new freebie: the Trello Workshop Structuring & Planning Template. This tool is designed to help you streamline your workshop planning process, ensuring that every detail is covered from start to finish. Don’t miss out—download it now and get started on your next epic workshop!

Craft your content like a pro with our Trello Content Planner Template. This user-friendly template will help you organize and schedule your content effortlessly, ensuring you never miss a beat. Ready to streamline your planning process? Download the Trello Content Planner Template today and see the difference it can make. Start here: Trello Content Planner Template 📅✨

Streamline your workflow with Trello, the ultimate tool for organizing and managing your projects. From task management to content planning, Trello makes it easy to keep everything on track. Ready to boost your productivity? Get started with Trello today using our special link: Trello 📋✨

Elevate your project management with ClickUp, the all-in-one tool for organizing tasks, tracking progress, and collaborating with your team. From detailed project timelines to streamlined workflows, ClickUp has everything you need to stay on top of your game. Ready to take your productivity to the next level? Start using ClickUp today with our special link: ClickUp 🚀✨

Ready to unite your community like never before? Visit and begin your free trial today. Transform the way you connect: 🚀🌐

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I'm Rach, your go-to gal for all things community building!

Hi there! I’m Rachel Starr, at the helm of Rachel Rose Coaching and The Community Lab Podcast, where we transform your passions into profits with a strategic yet playful approach to community building and virtual event planning, leveraging platforms like Circle. Think Leslie Knope's energy meets a tech-savvy guru's precision—that's me. 

With over two decades of experience, I've become a marketing maestro, creating innovative strategies and captivating online experiences that blend creativity with meticulous focus. As a recovering corporate and wedding event planner, I've mastered the virtual event planning space. My superpower is developing, hosting, and managing virtual events. My journey, from sales prodigy to event management leader, showcases versatility, dedication, and an ever-evolving skill set. My secret weapons? A relentless appetite for learning, patience, an eagle eye for detail, and a knack for crafting strategic masterpieces.

Beyond the boardroom, I'm a ski enthusiast, mom to two incredible teenagers, and a lover of the great outdoors. I have a soft spot for crafting the perfect spicy margarita and rely on coffee to spark my creativity.

Life for me is about embracing the thrills of the slopes and the marketplace with equal zest. Armed with caffeine, a touch of spice, and a heart full of passion, I'm on a quest to make every moment count. Here's to living life fully caffeinated and chasing the next big thing in community development and beyond. Cheers to the journey and the many trails yet to be explored!

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Transform Your Events and Workshops from Ordinary to Extraordinary

Are you ready to take your events and workshops to the next level?