
Why Your Facebook Group is Failing: Build a Real Community That Thrive

October 10, 2024

Picture this: You’ve spent months, maybe even years, building your Facebook group. You’ve poured your heart into creating valuable content, but every time you log in, it’s the same story. Engagement is dropping, your posts get buried, and you start to wonder, “Is anyone even paying attention?”

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Marketing Virtuoso, Ski Slope Enthusiast, and Community Innovator. With two decades of shaping vibrant digital experiences, I blend creativity with strategy and a dash of outdoor adventure, all fueled by my love for coffee and a zest for life!

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Picture this: You’ve spent months, maybe even years, building your Facebook group. You’ve poured your heart into creating valuable content, but every time you log in, it’s the same story. Engagement is dropping, your posts get buried, and you start to wonder, “Is anyone even paying attention?”

The truth is, it’s not you. It’s the platform.

Let’s talk about the big question: Why is your Facebook group failing? I know, it stings a bit to think about, but don’t worry—there’s hope! We’re going to dive deep into why Facebook groups aren’t cutting it anymore and, more importantly, how you can build a real community that thrives.

So stick with me, because by the end of this post, you’ll be armed with actionable steps to create a space your community will love and engage with.

Facebook Groups: The Struggle is Real

Many of us started out with Facebook groups, right? It seemed like the obvious choice. It’s free, pretty much everyone is already on Facebook, and it feels like an easy way to bring people with similar interests together in one space.

But then reality kicks in.

You notice that your engagement is tanking. You’re putting in the effort, posting content you think is valuable, and all you’re hearing is crickets. Or maybe you get a handful of likes, but it’s nowhere near the kind of interaction you’d expect. It’s frustrating, and you’re left wondering, What am I doing wrong?

Here’s the thing: it’s not your content or your commitment—it’s the platform. Facebook groups were built with Facebook’s goals in mind, not yours. The platform is designed to keep people browsing, scrolling, and clicking ads. The algorithm favors content that entertains, not necessarily the content that fosters meaningful connections.

And then there’s distraction. People log in to check your group, but before they can even get there, they’re hit with a barrage of notifications, videos, and random posts. Suddenly, they’re watching baby goat videos or arguing about the latest viral controversy—and completely forgetting about your group.

This is the core issue with Facebook groups: they’re built to keep people distracted, not engaged. And it’s hard to build a deep, meaningful community in an environment constantly pulling attention elsewhere.

It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way

If you want to create a thriving, engaged community, you need a space designed for community building, not for distractions. There are platforms out there that can help you build a more intentional, focused community space. You’ve probably heard of some, like Circle, Mighty Networks, or even Slack and Discord.

Today, let’s talk about Circle—one of my favorites for creating engaged, distraction-free communities.

Why Circle Stands Out

What makes Circle stand out for me is that it’s designed specifically for community building. There’s no algorithm deciding who sees your posts and when. In Circle, everyone sees what you post—no more battling Facebook’s algorithm for visibility.

Circle also gives you flexibility. Whether you want discussion spaces, live events, Q&As, or even workshops or courses, Circle allows you to set up your community in a way that fits your needs and the needs of your members.

And for those interested in monetizing their communities, Circle has built-in options for paid memberships or exclusive content.

Of course, Circle isn’t the only option. Platforms like Slack and Discord are great for more lightweight, conversation-focused communities. The key is finding a platform that supports deeper connections and long-term engagement.

Why Facebook Groups Struggle to Build Real Communities

Let’s talk about a few pitfalls Facebook groups fall into that other platforms can avoid:

  1. Lack of Ownership: You don’t really own your Facebook group. Facebook controls the platform, the rules, and the data. Tomorrow, they could roll out an update that completely changes how groups work, and there’s nothing you can do about it. When you own your community space, you set the rules, and you control the experience.
  2. The Algorithm: Facebook’s algorithm decides what content is seen, and it’s not designed to prioritize your group’s posts. It’s there to keep people on the platform for as long as possible, clicking ads and engaging with viral content—not building meaningful connections.
  3. Surface-Level Connections: Facebook is great for quick likes and comments, but the connections tend to stay shallow. Circle allows for deeper relationships, with customizable member profiles, topic-based discussions, and integrated events that encourage real engagement.

Making the Switch to a Better Platform

So, what happens when you move your community from Facebook to a platform like Circle? Let’s talk about the benefits.

  1. An Instant Engagement Boost: Without Facebook’s distractions, your members will be more focused on engaging with the community. They’re there to participate, not to get sidetracked by endless scrolling.
  2. A Greater Sense of Ownership for Members: In Circle, members feel like they’re part of something bigger. It’s a well-structured space designed for meaningful interaction, which encourages people to stay invested.
  3. Real-Time Connection: One of Circle’s best features is its ability to host live events and workshops right within the platform. Real-time interactions build a sense of belonging and help foster a more connected community.

How to Make the Transition

If you’re ready to move your community to Circle or another platform, here’s a step-by-step plan to make the switch smooth and successful:

  1. Pre-announce the move: Let your members know why you’re moving and how it benefits them. It’s all about improving their experience.
  2. Make it fun: Host a special event around the transition. Show your members how easy it is to join the new space and get them excited.
  3. Offer an incentive: Give people a reason to join early, whether it’s access to exclusive content, a live training, or a free resource.
  4. Keep your messaging consistent: Use countdowns, testimonials, and teasers to build anticipation and excitement for the move.

Success Stories

I’ve worked with clients who’ve transitioned their communities from Facebook to Circle, and the results have been incredible. One client saw over a 50% increase in engagement within the first two weeks. Another finally cracked the code on member retention by using Circle’s ability to create subgroups based on specific interests and locations.

While not everyone will make the switch, the members who do are more likely to be invested and committed to what your community is about. It’s all about quality over quantity.

The Bottom Line

Switching platforms isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. When you put in the effort, you’ll build a more engaged, meaningful, and focused community. Facebook groups might be failing you, but platforms like Circle offer a space where real connections can flourish.

Ready to see your community thrive? Head over to Circle or another platform that suits your vision, and start building a space where real engagement happens.

Until next time, remember: your community deserves a space that’s built for them—not for distractions, ads, or algorithms.


  • [00:00] – Introduction and today’s big question: Why is your Facebook group failing?
  • [02:30] – The struggle of Facebook groups: Falling engagement and feeling like you’re shouting into a void.
  • [04:20] – Why the problem isn’t you—it’s the platform (and Facebook’s goals vs. your goals).
  • [06:00] – The power of distraction: Why Facebook isn’t built for meaningful community engagement.
  • [08:00] – Exploring alternative platforms: Circle, Mighty Networks, Slack, and Discord.
  • [09:30] – Why Circle stands out: No algorithms, flexibility in formats, and monetization options.
  • [12:00] – Pitfall #1: Lack of ownership in Facebook groups.
  • [13:20] – Pitfall #2: The engagement killer—the dreaded Facebook algorithm.
  • [14:40] – Pitfall #3: Surface-level connections in Facebook groups vs. deeper engagement in platforms like Circle.
  • [16:30] – The benefits of making the switch: Instant engagement boost, real-time connection, and a greater sense of ownership.
  • [18:30] – How to transition your community to a new platform: A step-by-step guide for a smooth move.
  • [22:00] – Real success stories: Clients who moved from Facebook to Circle and saw amazing results.
  • [24:00] – Final thoughts: Building a thriving, engaged community on platforms designed for connection.

Resources & Links:

Join The Strategic Community Co-Op: For more tips, strategies, and a space filled with like-minded creators

Get started with Circle: Your go-to platform for building community

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I'm Rach, your go-to gal for all things community building!

Hi there! I’m Rachel Starr, at the helm of Rachel Rose Coaching and Your Community Strategist Podcast, where we transform your passions into profits with a strategic yet playful approach to community building and virtual event planning, leveraging platforms like Circle. Think Leslie Knope's energy meets a tech-savvy guru's precision—that's me. 

With over two decades of experience, I've become a marketing maestro, creating innovative strategies and captivating online experiences that blend creativity with meticulous focus. As a recovering corporate and wedding event planner, I've mastered the virtual event planning space. My superpower is developing, hosting, and managing virtual events. My journey, from sales prodigy to event management leader, showcases versatility, dedication, and an ever-evolving skill set. My secret weapons? A relentless appetite for learning, patience, an eagle eye for detail, and a knack for crafting strategic masterpieces.

Beyond the boardroom, I'm a ski enthusiast, mom to two incredible teenagers, and a lover of the great outdoors. I have a soft spot for crafting the perfect spicy margarita and rely on coffee to spark my creativity.

Life for me is about embracing the thrills of the slopes and the marketplace with equal zest. Armed with caffeine, a touch of spice, and a heart full of passion, I'm on a quest to make every moment count. Here's to living life fully caffeinated and chasing the next big thing in community development and beyond. Cheers to the journey and the many trails yet to be explored!

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Ready to spice up your community with some live events but unsure which type to go for? Take this fun quiz to discover the perfect live event for your Circle community!

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©Rachel Rose Business Coaching 2024

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